Resize Controls |
Input the Size of design you wish to resize to. The input boxes can be set to utilize Inch or Metric settings utilizing the Units drop down . Resize by percentage by checking the box. The lock icon allows you to input only one dimension, if the lock is depressed, the alternate dimension will change accordingly to maintain the correct proportion. If unchecked , you can input the X and Y values independently |
Flip, Mirror and Rotate. Clicking the Flip or Mirror icons will cause the design to change accordingly. Click the or rotate icons to choose to rotate the design, input the desired degree of rotation in the box below |
Move |
The Offset X or Y input boxes will move the selection a precise distance in either the X or Y direction. |
Stitch Processor |
The Stitch Process will compensate for changes in dimension of an expanded design. The Stitch Processor works on a range of 51% through 199%. Any resize out of this range will result in no stitch processing. |
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