Step Groups

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Menus - CreateFreeform - Recipes - Stitch Types - Step Groups

Step Groups creates a herringbone or chevron appearance. The angle and width of the pattern is set in the embroidery settings

Embroidery Settings For Step Stitches

Step Length:

The length of the stitches that make up the fill area, this setting is normally no less than 30 and no larger than 45.

Step to Satin Limit:

In very small areas, it is not practical to break the stitches into step. This setting defines the width of the column at which the stitches will be sewn in satin instead of step as shown by the hi-lighted area in the image at the right.

Min Border Satin:

The Step length defines the length of the stitches in the fill, however, the area will not always be able to be divided into equal steps. The Step fill also staggers the step lengths so that the stitches do not produce a parallel row effect. The Minimum Border Satin setting sets the shortest stitch allowed in this outer edge stitching


Cornelly is a stitch effect where the lines of the fill are kept parallel all the way to the edge to produce a squared off look. This effect is useful in low densities but will produce larger stitch counts than the traditional edge. It should not be used when densities are below 10 as it will produce very short stitches


This setting controls the angle in degrees of the chevron as indicated by point A in the image at the right.


This setting controls 1/2 the width of the chevron as indicated by point W in the image at the right. The larger the width the larger the chevron. This value is measured in 1/10mm.

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