Round Rectangle

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Menus - CreateShapes - Rounded Rectangle

Create Rounded Rectangle or Rounded Square shapes quickly and easily utilizing the Rounded Rectangle Mode.

To create an square shape, select the Rounded Rectangle tool, click and hold down the left mouse button, drag the mouse until the desired shape is achieved.

The Control and operation of this shape is identical to the normal rectangle. There are 2 additional toolbar icons to control the roundness of the corner.

Stitch It

 This icon will cause the current block to fill with stitches. Depending on the setting in the System Parameters - Advanced Tab. The Block will either build immediately, or prompt you to input the stitch angle, entry and exit points


Switch between the different editing modes available. This will be determined by the Recipe used.  For instance, there will be no option for Stitch angle if the selected Recipe is Satin line as this parameters is pre determined by the recipe

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Insert branch (Not available in all levels)

Insert Branch allows you to create complex shapes as a single block with a common start and end point making reordering and re-sequencing much easier.

Although individual branches can be placed anywhere on the canvas, it is better to only use branching when the individual segments touch or overlap one another. The branched block will share common underlay and walk stitches which could cause stitches to travel outside the intended outlines.

When selecting Insert Branch from the toolbar, the created branch will be of the same input method as the current block. It is possible to create branches with different tools by clicking the Right Mouse button and selecting Insert Branch from the pop-up menu.

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Insert hole

Insert Hole allows you to create a freeform void or empty space  inside of a block. 

When using Normal Fill, the hole can also be filled with different stitch types.

This is useful to prevent too many layers of stitching in a design. Areas that have several layers of embroidery tend to be bulky and stiff.

Choosing this option from the Mode Toolbar will allow you to input a Freeform hole. However, clicking the right mouse instead allows you to choose from several different tools to create your hole.

(The options for Hole types will depend on your Software Level)

Enable Hole- vs - Insert Hole

Enable Hole  will create a hole of the same shape as the original outline allowing you to create a border or outline effect in cooperation with the Border control 

 Insert Hole  allows you to define a freeform hole of any shape or placement. 

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Delete Hole

Delete Hole allows you to remove a previously created hole or branch.

A point on the desired branch or hole must be selected prior to selecting this option.

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Width of the Shape


Height of the Shape

Lock Dimensions

Clicking the Same Dimensions control will make the rectangle a perfect square. This control acts as a lock making the height and width boxes the same. Changing the value in either box will automatically cause the opposite box to change by the same value.

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Enable Hole

Enable Hole creates a void in the middle of the shape. When the enable hole is clicked, the Column width control  becomes active. The column width sets the size of the area that will be stitched.

This feature is normally used to create a border or outline shape.

The normal recipe for this tool is Column, although a similar effect can be achieved with Satin Line recipe and not enabling the hole, this method gives an on screen control of the width making it easier to determine the exact size needed.

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Enable Hole creates a void in the middle of the shape. When the enable hole is clicked, the Column width control  becomes active. The column width sets the size of the area that will be stitched.

This feature is normally used to create a border or outline shape.

The normal recipe for this tool is Column, although a similar effect can be achieved with Satin Line recipe and not enabling the hole, this method gives an on screen control of the width making it easier to determine the exact size needed.

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Preserve Roundness

The Preserve Roundness control only becomes active when the Enable Hole option is checked.

In this mode, the shape of the rectangles corners can change to accommodate a uniform stitch width around the perimeter. If you are more concerned with maintaining the actual shape than the width of the line, check Preserve Roundness to maintain your setting.

Notice in the 3 images at the right, the original shape shows how the object was created, In Image 2 with Preserve Roundness Off, to create the border, the inner curve has to be a tighter radius than the original shape.

In the last image with Preserve Roundness On,  you can see that the same radius is applied to both the inner and outer curves

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