The Print Catalog feature allow the selection and printing of multiple designs.
The Print Catalog is a useful tool for printing several designs on a single page. Print catalog will arrange the desingns onto the page and can include some basic information about the design
Step 1. Add designs
- Click Add Designs.
- Navigate to your designs using the Windows style explorer
- To select multiple designs, hold the Ctrl on the keyboard down and click the desired designs.
- Click OK to accept the selected designs
- Click Add Designs again to add more designs from different locations
The Catalog can be saved without printing by clicking the Save List button, this will save the file names and locations in a list file format which can later be recalled through the Load List option
Step 2 Setting up Page
In this step you choose options that determine how the printed page will look.
Print Number of Stitches
Displays the stitch count under the icon
Print Dimensions
Displays the X and Y size of the design
Icons Per line
Max number of columns per page
Lines per page
Max number of rows per page
Select Print font
Customize the font for the dimensions and stitch count.
When you finish setting up the page, click Print.
The Result will be similar to the image at the right. The Size of the design image is determined by the number of designs on the page.
Print your designs to PDF files and create a visual catalog for your customers to browse.
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