Optimize will clean up a design allowing it to run more efficiently and minimize thread breaks. It has been shown that stitches in the 0.4 mm to 0.7 mm range will most likely cause thread breaks. Stitches smaller than this are usually there to ‘tie off’ a thread before thread cutting takes place, or simply to make sure that the thread will not unravel. These stitches we really need to keep.
What we also need to do then is to clean up all the stitches having a stitch length between 0,4 and 0,7 mm and keep all the stitches smaller than 0,4 and bigger than 0,7mm. The recommended clean up values for Hit stitches are 3 for the minimum and 8 for the maximum which you must type in. In the course of getting to know your designs a little better, you may discover other values which may work better for you.
Clean Up Jump stitches will eliminate the jumps that are inserted in between blocks. This feature is useful when working with designs with a lot of manual jump stitches such as CND files. Some times these manual jump stitches can add many blocks to to object list which are really not needed. Cleaning up the Jump stitches in these designs can make editing a much easier task.
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