Insert Hole

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Menus - CreateColumn - Insert Hole

Insert Hole allows you to create a void or empty space  inside of a Freeform block. 

When using Normal Fill, the hole can also be filled with different stitch types.

This is useful to prevent too many layers of stitching in a design. Areas that have several layers of embroidery tend to be bulky and stiff.

  1. Input the points for the shape
  2. Click the Insert Hole Icon
  3. Create the outline for the hole
  4. Click Stitch It


Holes can also be inserted after the stitching is built in a similar way. Review the Block Editing section for the Freeform tool for a detailed description.

Choosing this option from the Mode Toolbar will allow you to input a Freeform hole. However, clicking the right mouse instead allows you to choose from several different tools to create your hole.

(The options for Hole types will depend on your Software Level)

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