Create Rectangle or Square shapes quickly and easily utilizing the Rectangle Mode. The freeform tool allows you to create open or closed shapes to generate fill areas or outlines. The bulk of large areas in your designs or outlines will be created with the Free Form tool. In order to use this tool you must trace around the area. These areas can be filled with any number of stitch types or recipes depending on your level of software. Objects are traced with the mouse. A left click on the screen will place a point,. move the mouse around the object placing points to outline the shape. A prolonged left click will make a corner a short left click makes curved input points.
Clicking the left mouse button enters all points. By default the system will create curves when you input a point. If you want to create a corner point you have 2 options, you can either hold the button down for a moment (long click) or, you can hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard while making a quick click with the left mouse button. Any combination of corner and curve points can be used. Choose from the mode toolbar above for a detailed description.
Holding down the Shift key while moving the mouse will lock the mouse in 0,45 or 90 degree movements. This is a big help when trying to create straight lines.
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