When the design is created, the outline files do not consider the limitations of an embroidery machine. For instance, We can create a block of 100 stitches, and then 500 mm away create another block of 100 stitches. In the program we will have something like 200 stitches. An embroidery machine cannot travel 50 mm in 1 stitch, it is physically impossible to do. This distance must be broken down into smaller steps. These smaller steps are performed with the needle up, thus, are referred to as Jump stitches. For most industrial machines this limit is about 12 mm, So in reality a design will normally have more stitches than is indicated in the digitizing system. Depending on the design and/or the machine type, this difference can be up to a few hundred stitches. You would select this option to get a stitch estimate before saving. This saves a step in the process. Without this option the you would have to write the design to the disk, read it back in to the software in order to see the final stitch count. After executing in the selected format, the true stitch count can be entered into the Print Page - Mask if so desired. |
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