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Freeform - Recipes - Chenille

Chenille recipe is a specialized fill method for Chenille specific machines. This fill method is not used in normal embroidery.

The Chenille recipe for Freeform shape will fill with either a lattice or a spiral Stitch type.

Embroidery Settings Chenille

Stitch Type


Chain Outline

Moss Outline

Internal Connection Policy

Chenille Stitch Types

Chenille Lattice

Step Length:

The length of the individual stitches in the lattice grid.

Step to Satin Limit:

The minimum distance before the system will start breaking stitches into the Step Length.

Min Border Satin:

The shortest stitch allowed before the edge of the fill area

Corner Edges:

Corner Edges ensures that the system does not generate any return stitches at very high angles. Chenille machines as a rule have trouble reversing direction (180 degrees) Notice in the image at the right, The outline is defined with  a very sharp point. The Lattice Fill is generated in a such a way that the area is filled without having to produce these types of movements which could be  difficult for the machine.

Chenille Spiral

Distance of circles:

The distance between concentric circles in the fill area, This setting is similar to density, in that the lower the setting the more overlap between circles there will be. Normally set to equal the radius setting.

Step Length:

The length of the individual stitches in the lattice grid.

Step to Satin Limit:

The minimum distance before the system will start breaking stitches into the Step Length.

Min Border Satin:

The shortest stitch allowed before the edge of the fill area

Stitch Length:

The length of the individual stitches in the spiral.

Circle Radius:

The size of the spiral elements.

Stitch Direction:

Controls how the circles are generated, settings are Clockwise and AntiClockwise

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Embroidery Settings


Density   The function of the density setting for Chenille varies depending on the stitch type


The Density setting for Lattice fill is the measurement between every other row of lattice.


The Density setting for spiral stitching is the measurement between rows of spiral stitching. The image at the right is using a very large density setting to illustrate the setting.  A setting this high would not produce desirable results.

Stitch Angle 1st Pass

This controls the angle of the stitching inside of the fill area. For Lattice stitching this setting determines the first layer of stitching. For Spiral stitching, it determines the stitch angle of all the spiral stitches as there is no second pass of spiral stitching

Stitch Angle 2nd Pass

This setting determines the angle of the stitching of the second layer of Lattice fill stitching, It has not effect on Spiral stitching.

Tie File

Allows selection of the type of tie stitch to be used when a tie is generated

Offset for Multiple Chains

Defines the distance between multiple outlines of Chain stitch. This setting will affect any Chain stitches whether they are stitched before or after the fill area. Range is 0-30.

Offset for multiple moss

Defines the distance between multiple outlines of Moss stitch. This setting will affect any Moss stitches whether they are stitched before or after the fill area. Range is 0-30.

Offset for Chan Moss

Defines the distance between the Chain and Moss stitch outlines.

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Chain Outline

Chain Outlines are used to define areas for filling, lock in areas  and also used to create  multi-colored lettering. It is very common for a Chenille letter to be outlines with 2 chain stitches in one color then filled with a moss stitch of a different color.

Chain Before

This setting will indicate to the system that you want it to insert a row or rows of Chain stitches before it fills the outline you define. This Chain stitch will be placed on the defined outline, the looped stitching will be placed inside of this Chain by the specified distance.

The system can generate multiple rows of Chain stitching based upon the Chain Before Number setting

Chain After

This setting will indicate to the system that you want it to insert a row or rows of Chain stitches after it fills the outline you define. This Chain stitch will be placed on the defined outline or inside the Chain before (if specified) by the distance set in the General Parameters. The looped stitching will be placed inside of this Chain by the specified distance.

The system can generate multiple rows of Chain stitching based upon the Chain After Number setting

Chain Stop

This setting places a Stop code between any Chain and Moss stitching of a block. This is most commonly used to create a multi-color object.

Chain Before Number

Defines the number of rows of Chain stitches to generate before the fill area  when the Chain Before option is set. This control can produce up to 5 rows of chain before the loop stitching, although, using more than 2 is uncommon.

Chain After Number

Defines the number of rows of Chain stitches to generate after the fill area  when the Chain After option is set. This control can produce up to 5 rows of chain after the loop stitching, although, using more than 2 rows of chain either before or after is uncommon.

Chain Step Length

Similar to Running Stitch, this parameter defines the length of the individual stitches in the Chain Outline.

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Moss Outline

Moss Outlines is a looping running stitch line that is used to define areas to be filled. When utilizing Lattice or Spiral fill, the edges of the fill area can look blocked as each row is overlapped. By outlining the block with one or 2 rows of Moss stitching, these areas are smoothed  out giving a much cleaner appearance.

Moss Before

This setting will indicate to the system that you want it to insert a row or rows of Moss stitches before it fills the outline you define. This Moss stitch will be placed on the outside of the fill area, but inside of any Chain stitches you may have designated the distance between the fill and this line is specified in the  General Parameters.

Moss After

This setting will indicate to the system that you want it to insert a row or rows of Moss stitches after it fills the outline you define. This Moss stitch will be placed on the outside of the fill area, but inside of any Chain stitches you may have designated the distance between the fill and this line is specified in the  General Parameters.

Moss Before Number

Defines the number of rows of Moss stitches to generate before the fill area  when the Moss Before option is set. This control can produce up to 5 rows of moss before the fill area, although, using more than 1 or 2 is uncommon.

Moss After Number

Defines the number of rows of Moss stitches to generate after the fill area  when the Moss After option is set. This control can produce up to 5 rows of chain after the loop stitching, although, using more than 1 or 2 rows of Moss either before or after is uncommon.

Moss Step Length

Similar to Running Stitch, this parameter defines the length of the individual stitches in the Moss Outline.

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Internal Connection Policy

The Internal Connection Policy is used to define how the internal sections of Chain and Moss outline are connected to the fill area.

This control has individual settings for each layer to connect with a Jump, Chain or Moss. If  Chain or Moss is selected, the step length will become active for that connection and is user defined.

Changing any of these settings from the defaults is rare

The bottom section of this control is used to define at which points in the block the system should insert a trim code. As most Chenille blocks are contained within a single outline, a trim an any of these blocks would be rare

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