The Change Command allows you to apply wholesale changes to a selection or group. This can be a real time saver if you want to, for instance, change the density in many different blocks in a design
Change density allows you to alter the density of the stitches in the design or selection. Choose the option you want from the radio buttons. Decrease density will lower stitch count, Increase density will increase stitch count. These options will work on stitch files or outline files. Choose New Density only on Outline files such as erf, ref, cnd etc.. |
Change Parameters allows you to alter many embroidery settings for a selected group of blocks. The Change Parameters contains the most common embroidery settings that you may encounter. The initial window opens with a set of default properties. To change the properties for all selected blocks, click on the item you want to change, the name will change to a red color. Set the parameter, click OK Only the items marked in red will be applied to the selection. This is to prevent you from resetting all of the selected blocks properties back to the defaults. |
Change Stitch type allows you to alter the stitch type for a block or group of blocks in a selection Only the stitch types that are applicable to a selected recipe will be applied. For instance. If you select several blocks consisting of column, running stitch and freeform normal fill blocks and change the stitch type to running stitch return. Only the objects created with the running stitch recipe will be affected. However, if you change the stitch type to Step Satin all blocks create with Column and freeform normal fill will be affected. |
Change Satin Width allows you to make any satin stitches wider or narrower. This applies to any type of design expanded or outline. The Satin width control is described in detail in the Stitch Edit section. |
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