The Block Editing function is used to manipulate Outline files. The advantages of editing files in outline format verses stitch format are many. Outline files when resized will recalculate the stitches to fit the new size. Stitch files when resized must use a stitch processor to recalculate the stitch count when resizing. The best stitch processor will never calculate densities as well as the stitch engine that generates the outline file. In outline files it is an easy task to alter such parameters as underlay, density, or step length. It is virtually impossible to effect these parameters with an expanded file.
Outline files consist of punching system files .ERF, and REF (V2 and older), Melco DOS Condensed (.CND), or Gunold APS punching system files (.PCH)
Any designs that are created on the punching system are in ERF format and therefore can be edited in outline. The Lettering and the Library files are also outline files and therefore can also be edited accordingly.
Designs read in from machine floppy disks or in other expanded formats such as Tajima.DST, Barudan.FMC or FDR and any other formats that are not listed in the previous paragraph are expanded designs. These designs cannot be edited in the manner described in this section. When reading a file of this type into the EOS system and subsequently saving to the hard disk, the design will be converted to a file extension .ERF. This does not convert the expanded file to outline format the same as scanning a photo into Corel Draw and saving as CDR does not make it a vector file.
With Block Editing you can perform such tasks as, Changing the Stitch Type and Parameters. Advanced editing topics such as: how to change an input point from a curve to a corner, how to add, delete or move input points, how to change the stitch direction, how to change the start and end points of a block and how to change or add a decor line can also be preformed in Block Editing.
As each input method is slightly different, the Block editing for each method is covered in the Create section.
While you are digitizing you may have the need to edit some part of your design. You can edit your blocks of stitches while you are digitizing or after you have built stitches. This feature can be turned on or off in the System Parameters Tool Behavior tab The editing while digitizing is covered in the digitizing section. This section will cover how to edit a block after you have built stitches.
When an outline is created either manually or automatically, the outline is defined by a series of curved or corner points. These points can be moved, deleted or changed from corner to curve or curve to corner.
There are 4 different possible types of points. These control points dictate how the outline is generated. The easiest way to see how these points affect the outline is to show the Bézier handles. (Under View menu>Show/Hide Control Points) |
Solid Circle. This create a curve in which the radius of the curve entering and exiting the node are equal. Note that the Bézier handles are of equal length and in a straight line |
Solid Square. This create a corner in which the angle entering and exiting the node are both straight, Note the control handles are precisely on the outline. |
Open Circle. This control point uses input and exit Bézier handles at the same angle but of different lengths causing the radius of the input curve and exit curve to be different. This point is created by clicking and dragging a control point (only available with Show Control Points turned On. |
Open Square. This point is created by moving the outline between control points. This causes the input and exit handles to be at different angles. |
To convert between points place the mouse over any point and hold down the left mouse button for a second, the point will change when the mouse is released. Alternatively. you can hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click any point to toggle between states |
Adding or Deleting Points from the Outline |
To add more points to the block follow the procedure as described above and then click the Insert icon |
To delete points from the outline first click the left mouse key on the point as if to move it. Then, click the right mouse key. The point will be released from the mouse and be hi lighted by a small dotted box surrounding the point indicating that this point is active. Once the point is activated, select the delete icon from the toolbar |
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